Posting for Sam who has been busy with Nurgle...oh wait was infected by Papa Nurgle.
Its been really busy at work and I fell prey to Nurgle's plans, yet again! Just recovered from some flu thingy and am back to painting and some converting. Also plan to draw up some new purity seals.
I did a quick paint up of an old Space Marine I had lying around. Again this marine was previously a Salamander, Space Wolf, Blood Angel and I think Celestial Lion lol!
WIP: Dark Angels Sergeant

Decided to continue my Dark Angel marines from the 5th Company. This one will be my normal Sergeant.

He was primed black and then I applied a layer of Dark Angels Green. Then another layer of Dark Angels Green and Goblin Green mix (80:20).

Highlights were done by adding Scorpion Green to the previous layer mix.
WIP: Ravenwing Black Knights
My Black Knights are mainly just normal Ravenwing Bikers. I'm not too keen on getting the new box set as its a bit too steep for me at the moment. I am resisting temptation..for now ;)

WIP: Ravenwing Black Knights
My Black Knights are mainly just normal Ravenwing Bikers. I'm not too keen on getting the new box set as its a bit too steep for me at the moment. I am resisting temptation..for now ;)

I just added the Plasma Pistols from the Assault Marines sprue to replace the bike mounted Boltguns. And hey, I got some Plasma Talons.

The Black Knight Sergeant's Corvex Hammer is made from an extra Thunder Hammer with one side snipped off. I replaced it with the tip of a scabbard from the Space Marine Scout sprue.

A bit of a closer shot from the front on how the el'cheapo Plasma Talons look.
Very nice.
ReplyDeleteSimple but brutally effective paint scheme - looks great on a single model, will look gorgeous as a unit and army wide.
Liking the look of the ravenwing - nice tweaks