Got in a game with Ben today at his place. Brought an army comprising the following:
SELLL ME! Faction: House Targaryen
Commander: Barristan Selmy - Barristan The Bold
Points: 40 (6 Neutral) Combat Units:
• Dothraki Screamers (6)
with Outrider Ko (1)
• Dothraki Screamers (6)
with Outrider Ko (1)
• Unsullied Swordmasters (9)
with Barristan Selmy - Barristan The Bold (0)
• Stormcrow Archers (6)
with Stormcrow Lieutenant (1*) Non-Combat Units:
• Illyrio Mopatis - Magister Of Pentos (3)
• Pyat Pree - Warlock Of Quarth (4)
• Xaro Xhoan Daxos - Merchant Prince of Qarth (4) View this army at www.ASOIAFBuilder.com/army/NYUUWSxrBRQctW9mNQ2J
Without giving away too much, I can see why Daenerys eventually turns Daario into her boy toy. I’ll let Ben through Blitz and Peace’s complete the batrep and will link it at a later date!