Posting here to add to the collection of wargames historical tales :)
Thought i would give a spiel on my memory of wargaming :) My recollection is hazy at times, the fog of war has not yet lifted in its entirety ;P
I first had contact with the 40k universe through the PC version of the Space Hulk game. I played it endlessly even though i only made it through 3 missions. The intro scene with the Deathwing in their white Terminator armor was just unforgettable. And the amazing weapons like the thunder hammer which could also self destruct haha!
I had no idea that this was part of a larger universe of Warhammer. If i recall correctly, i rediscovered it again in Perth Australia when i went there for studies. A friend introduced it to me. I bought the IG Codex and later Codex Catachans.
Just a few months in, i was introduced to the Space Marines and saw the familiar figure of a Terminator in the codex. I was really happy as i had rediscovered the origins of these heroes from so many years ago.

Image copyright 1993 of Nick Wilson, Electronic Arts and Games Workshop
I started my Deathwing collection and they have always had a special place in my heart :)
When i discovered Warhammer, i was still playing Magic the Gathering (MTG). But i sold the entire collection to a shop in Perth for quite a nice sum of money as used it to start my new journey into the world of miniatures!
I think i met Ray first in PI or some other place with gaming tables, haha, can't remember. I joined him for games at his place at Chinese Garden..i think. Later location changed to Lakeside. I met up with YC (crazyrat) and other great gamers :)) I think we were called Warpod 40K, and Ray was our fearless leader :) That name brings back such fond memories.
I later joined gaming at YC's place and met Daniel and Defeng (Jaeroler). Had a fantastic time gaming guys! Stuff of legend! I got into Warhammer Fantasy with a lot of guidance and patience from the guys there, and in turn found more minis to collect from GW's fantasy range haha!
I met Defu (Krom) at a tournament organised by Ed. It was my first and i think also Defu's first tourney. We were there to join in the festivities and excitement haha! We also had a good talk about lots of stuff and now game together at YC's place :)
Through time i have expanded my Iyanden Eldar collection and am also jumping on the Blood Angels bandwagon. Will not be going too deep into BA, and just made up a low budget BA army consisting of Sanguinary Guards ;)
I think i'm still more of a painter and modeler. The gaming aspect is an experiential one, but i'm proud to say my experience was an amazing one, only made possible by the awesome bunch of dudes i game with. Can't wait to come back for more battles man!
Cheers :)
I can't really recall where we met as well! It could really have been PI or CM. Nonetheless, it's good that we met. Keep gaming and keep painting!