So after picking up all the necessary stuff for starting my airbrushing exploits I turned it on for the first time and let some air out.
Spent about 2 hours fiddling with it. Getting the hang of the Dual Action air/paint thing going on.
And also learning how to mix paints and thinning them to the right consistency. This of course took many many tries. I did my paints too thin. And it ended up looking like a wash instead of paint!
So after much trail and error I finally got the consistency right. Much like milk (as many others have suggested) but just a tad thicker and it will be perfect. (for me at least...)
I used purified water(my Gf's place has one of them $3000 water filters) for thinning the paints. I used both Vallejo Game color and GW paints. Both thinned great with just the purified water.
I also did a mix of 50/50 Kiwi Kleen window cleaner and purified water as my airbrush cleaner and flushing liquid in between color changes.
I also bought a bottle of concentrated and dedicated airbrush cleaner from art friend. I shall only use this when I realize there are really hard to remove stains. But honestly if you clean your brush properly as soon as you are done with the color. It hardly clogs anything up.
So here are my first test subjects. Dark Eldar Warriors I built from the 3rd edition boxed set! I love the results and can seriously feel the speed in basecoating them! I tried from black, to hawk turquoise, to a hawk turqouise/skull white 50/50 mix. It looks ready for some hard edge highlighting and some details to finish them off! I can visualize finishing them of is under and hour each with the help of an airbrush.
Can't wait to really get down to laying some serious airbrushing colors on my Blood Angels!
~As much as I wanna use my airbrush more I shall be denied as I will be stuck in school camp (babysitting....) for the next 2 days! Arghh! And because the new school term is beginning next week it also means many many work to prepare and meetings to attend! My holidays are offically over!!!