Thursday, June 3, 2010

Army Profiles

Looking at Jason's army on Tuesday, I just realised that some of us have really beautiful armies. He was one such example.

Dakkadakka inspired me with their army profiles in 1998 when I was still a wee lad in Junior College. The idea is to have each player display their current painted collection and a picture of them to the website. I will put up a new category called Army Profiles.

Now I am aware that some of us (YC I'm looking at you) that have not completed our army or feel that it's a long way to go to completion. The good news is that the Army Profile is constantly being updated. It will be updated when you finish a new squad, add a new vehicle, add a monster. The idea is for it to be undergo organic growth with each of you making changes as and when you are done.

My Nids are far from done and I feel ashamed. My Eldar are all in Malaysia so it will take awhile before those guys will be posted on this webby.

I will still shoot a few pictures and use the Army Profile as my check and balance - to remind me what I want to achieve and complete. Hopefully this inspires you guys as well!


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