Friday, July 9, 2010

Airbrushed SteamTank

A "little distraction", these are 2 words we hear so many times from others and even from ourselves. Well I guess my target of completing my 30 Spearmen unit got pushed back. By a SteamTank!

So I was sitting around my paint station on a slow afternoon ( I was ill and on Medical Leave ) staring at the stacks of miniatures I needed to paint for my Empire army. I was also thinking about how I could utilize my recently bought airbrush in my fantasy army.

Using them for 40k was no problem as there were loads of Marine armour and IG tanks. Tanks I thought! How could I use it on my Empire Steam Tank? Then on my iTunes playlist randomly came up the "Fade to Black" song by Metallica. And by a magical spell by the wizards of the Lore of "Metal" (pun intended) I knew what I wanted to do.

With my limited palette of colours in my Nuln army and even more limited skill of using an airbrush I decided upon using the 2 primary colours. White fading into black. I not only decided on using this for my Steam Tank but for all my State Troop standard bearers as well. If it all goes well I might even extend them to the barding for my Great Weapon Knights unit!
Here we can see my previously "WIP" Steamtank. The metal version.
Application a success.
A little cleaning up to see the fade better.
And some painting done through the night. Hopefully I'll finish it up in the following day.

Although I side tracked on my initial target I managed to get 11 guys done and even did up a 6 wide by 5 rank movement tray for them. Any progress is good progress in painting!

~What a surprise it is for me to suddenly want to paint my SteamTank. I'm sure many of you guys will get distracted (hopefully by painting minis!) while working on a project but when the vibe and inspiration comes I say go for it. Working with pure enthusiasm often yields a good time with your hobby and isn't' having a good time what our hobby is all about in the first place?


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