This is not the usual batrep that I usually do. I was itching to play the new 40k with my Tyranids and Abdullah was keen too so we took 1750 each and put together our armies. We spent quite a lot of time looking at the rulebook to check on the rule changes. I used my SporeCon2011 list to keep it simple while Abdullah used his usual list.
So without knowing what to expect, here is the report.
Rolled on missions and we got 5 Objectives and side ways deployment.
Sideway deployment. I pushed forward as far as I could to get to Abdullah |
Omm nomm nomm |
Abdullah's deployment |
First Turn I pushed forward into cover. |
Both Tervigons spewed a few Gants and then got jammed! On the first turn. Booo |
So I threw this unit forward to hold off my left flank. |
In return Abdullah moved up my right flank and proceeded to take out my small unit of Gants. He earns First Blood (i.e. 1VP) |
While I keep using the Hive Guard to remove more of his bikes. |
My right flank being weaker I start channeling them to the right. |
In Assault Abdullah took out the Genestealers. He even declined my challenge! |
Abdullah destroys both Gant units but opened up the path for my Tyrant to charge. |
Assault rules has changed a lot but I still managed to roll high enough to engage his unit. |
Took out majority of his unit and in return Abdullah managed to take out my Tyrant Guard. Good combat for me |
End of Turn 3 and this was what was left. I held 3 Objectives while Abdullah held onto one. |