Dropped by the store the other to have a few games of X Wing with Jeremy and Vick. And someone was lucky (or mad) enough to get one of the Gencon early release of the Decimator. I was keen to see how large the model was so took out some of my other models for comparison. Here they are:
Decimator and Shuttle side by side |
Decimator next to the Falcon. I was quite surprised that it wasn't so much bigger than the Falcon. |
But the footprint of this model is quite large compared to the other big ships we have. |
Available at your LGS at double the retail price! I guess some people are happy to pay for Early Access |
Played my Soontir with mini swarm that day. I like the maneuverability of the Interceptor and the Swarm does provide bodies to shield against attacks. |
Soontir Fel — TIE Interceptor | 27 |
Push the Limit | 3 |
| |
"Howlrunner" — TIE Fighter | 18 |
Stealth Device | 3 |
| |
Academy Pilot — TIE Fighter | 12 |
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Academy Pilot — TIE Fighter | 12 |
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Academy Pilot — TIE Fighter | 12 |
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Academy Pilot — TIE Fighter | 12 |
Jeremy thought that the Soontir Swarm was a little better than my other list below:
Rexler Brath — TIE Defender | 37 |
Veteran Instincts | 1 |
Heavy Laser Cannon | 7 |
| |
Omicron Group Pilot — Lambda-Class Shuttle | 21 |
Darth Vader | 3 |
| |
"Backstabber" — TIE Fighter | 16 |
| |
Obsidian Squadron Pilot — TIE Fighter | 13 |
My problem with the Defender is the green maneuvers are all straights, forcing me to live with no actions when Stressed. Maybe I just need to fly the Defender a little more.
I also had this list which I tried yesterday with no success:
Omicron Group Pilot — Lambda-Class Shuttle | 21 |
Fire-Control System | 2 |
Tactician | 2 |
Gunner | 5 |
Engine Upgrade | 4 |
| |
Soontir Fel — TIE Interceptor | 27 |
Push the Limit | 3 |
Stealth Device | 3 |
| |
"Backstabber" — TIE Fighter | 16 |
| |
"Dark Curse" — TIE Fighter | 16 |
The Shuttle is really a hard ship to move about on the field. Wrongly assuming that I could do a Gentle 1, followed by a Gentle 1 Boost is a bad idea. Too slow and having so many points invested on an easy to kill ship doesn't make much sense. Played it 3 times against Jeremy with varying speeds but no luck. I guess my playstyle suites the Stress Shuttle more.
I am finding that flying too much Rebels is bad for me. I start to rely on shields and the 360 arc that comes with the Falcon. I need to readjust for Imperials. Or maybe just get loaded dice!
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