Finally had the opportunity to play a 40k game with Marshall. We tried about 4 weeks back but failed due to time constraints. Today, we had the time to sort out a game without having to rush through it. 1850 each, off we go.
My list was pretty much unchanged since the 6th Edition. I wanted to see if my balanced force would be able to deal with the multiple and constantly changing Maelstrom Tactical Objectives which I believe will make the game more random but also forces the players to bring balanced forces.
Farseer: Jetbike, Witchblade, Runes of Witnessing
Farseer: Jetbike, Witchblade, Runes of Witnessing
Dire Avengers x5: Wave Serpent (TL Scatter Laser, Shuriken Cannon, Holo Fields)
Guardians x10: Wave Serpent (TL Scatter Laser, Shuriken Cannon, Holo Fields)
Guardians x10: Wave Serpent (TL Scatter Laser, Shuriken Cannon, Holo Fields)
Jetbikers x3
Jetbikers x3
Jetbikers x3
Fast Attack
Warp Spiders x8
Warp Spiders x8
War Walkers x3: Each armed with Bright Lances x2
Wraithknight: Heavy Wraithcannons x2
Altansar Eldar gathers for battle |
Rolled Doom, Guide and Hallucination for the 2nd Seer |
Warlord rolled up Telepathy tree since I have heard many a good things about Invisibility so thought I would try it out |
We rolled up Mission 1 of the Maelstrom missions where you draw 3 Tactic cards and draw more at the start of your turn if you have less than 3.
Marshall rolled for Night Fight but failed to get it. I tried to seize but failed.
Nids deploy |
Spread |
Trying out that large phallic monster |
All quiet on the Eldar front |
I held in Reserve one unit of Jetbike and two units of Spiders.
Nids' first turn objectives |
Eldar first turn objectives |
Behemoth surges forward |
HQ jumped into Bastion together with his buddy, Venomthrope |
I just spread out my units in Turn 1 |
Concentrated fire on his closest Carnifex and managed to do 2 wounds |
Turn 2
Surges forward again |
Advance! |
Hive Guard manages to cause a Crew Shaken result on my Serpent so I disembarked the Guardians. Pulled my Wraithknight back after losing 2 wounds in the Nids' shooting phase. |
Buffed up the Guardians with Invisibility and Guide, Dooming the Gargs as well. Destroyed a fair few. |
My Reserves arrive and I sent the Jetbikes down the flank together with my Walkers |
Upon reading Reserves, we realised that we played this wrongly. Reserves only arrive from Turn 3 onwards in 7th Edition!
These 10 Guardians would prove to be Leonidas and the Spartans. |
Turn 3
Marshall pushes further forward |
Destroying this Serpent and Pinning my Guardians |
Combined charged my Guardians after shooting 6 of them down |
He even charged my Jetbikes on the flank |
What later became to be known as Guardian Pass, the 4 Guardians held more than 40 gribllies |
Even losing one of their brethren, they keep fighting |
I moved my Wraithknight up, gambling that the Guardians would hold up the horde |
Alas, the Tyranids broke through in my Turn 3! |
Turn 4
The Nids threw the Gargs into my way but the Knight managed to kill and run the Gargs down! |
In my turn my Spiders dropped in. After 3 turns of skulking. |
Disembarked my Dire Avengers to support the middle field and flanked using both units of Spiders with the Warlord |
In a brilliant show of crappiness, both units of Spiders did not a single wound to their target the Tervigon. Not a single wound. Meanwhile the Knight fared a little better, taking down the Carnifex in 1 round of melee. |
And consolidated towards the cockmonster, I mean Exocrine |
Facing down the other monster... |
Turn 5
Marshall shot and charged my unit of 8, forcing them to flee |
And this fight continues! |
I regroup in my turn and bring them back in to shoot at the Tervigon, killing it with the combined firepower and Psychic buffs |
Turn 6
Marshall shot and deleted 2 more of my Spiders, forcing them to flee. In my turn I rally them and did 1 wound on the Fex |
The fight continues. |
Lost my Farseer in Turn 6 to Nid shooting |
Casted Doom on the Fex and managed to take it out with the combined fire of Spiders, War Walkers and Wave Serpent. |
Moved my Jetbikes up to capture this objective as well, netting me another point. |
Managed to secure these objectives giving me a total of 10 + 3 + 2 for 15 |
Got all secondary objectives for another 3, that's 18 Grand Total |
Marshall unfortunately scored these 4 + 2 and Slay the Warlord for a Grand Total of 7 |
I felt that his list was suboptimal. Not fielding the Flyrant made him predictable and easily kept within arms reach. I kept kiting the shooters while keeping the pressure on. Good first game. Playing another tomorrow with YC.
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