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Saturday, May 12, 2018

Dueler's Point 2v2

Jason (also known as Ripperling on this blog) and I signed up and took part in a 2v2 Tournament at Dueler's Point. It's a 1,000 point event that pits 2 players against another 2 but in 2 separate games over a 4x4 table. 

After a few weeks of tweaking my list from a massive Death Company army to one that contained Intercessors, I finally arrived at the army list you see below. This was heavily influenced by the recent FAQ which made it impossible to hide more than half your Power Level in Deep Strike. 

++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Imperium - FW Adeptus Astartes) [67 PL, 1000pts] ++
+ HQ +
Captain [6 PL, 129pts]: 2. Artisan of War, Jump Pack, Storm shield, The Angel's Wing (replaces jump pack), Thunder hammer, Warlord
Lemartes [7 PL, 129pts]

+ Troops +
Scout Squad [4 PL, 55pts]
. Scout: Shotgun
. Scout: Shotgun
. Scout: Shotgun
. Scout: Shotgun
. Scout Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Shotgun

Scout Squad [4 PL, 55pts]
. Scout: Shotgun
. Scout: Shotgun
. Scout: Shotgun
. Scout: Shotgun
. Scout Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Shotgun

Scout Squad [4 PL, 55pts]
. Scout: Shotgun
. Scout: Shotgun
. Scout: Shotgun
. Scout: Shotgun
. Scout Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Shotgun

+ Elites +
Death Company [18 PL, 218pts]: Jump Pack
. Death Company Marine: Bolt pistol, Power axe
. Death Company Marine: Bolt pistol, Power axe
. Death Company Marine: Bolt pistol, Power sword
. Death Company Marine: Bolt pistol, Power sword
. Death Company Marine: Bolt pistol and chainsword
. Death Company Marine: Bolt pistol and chainsword
. Death Company Marine: Bolt pistol and chainsword
. Death Company Marine: Bolt pistol and chainsword
. Death Company Marine: Bolt pistol and chainsword
. Death Company Marine: Bolt pistol and chainsword

Relic Sicaran Battle Tank [14 PL, 185pts]: Heavy bolter
. Two heavy bolters: 2x Heavy bolter

+ Dedicated Transport +
Razorback [5 PL, 87pts]: Twin heavy bolter
Razorback [5 PL, 87pts]: Twin heavy bolter

++ Total: [67 PL, 1000pts] ++
Created with BattleScribe (

The inclusion of the Razorbacks and Sicaran was due in large part to give me a solid firebase to work with. The Razorbacks would allow the Scouts a mobile bunker to hide in and advance without much in return fire. However, Jason did raise a good point at the end of the tourney. I played my Razorbacks too much like a bunkers and kept them too far behind hence did not force my opponents to deal with them in their backlines. Moving forward, I will use the Razorbacks more aggressively and push the game mid line. 

The following pictures highlight the games I had and I hope you guys enjoy the journey with me. 

First Game was against a Tau list which allowed them to advance and still shoot at 4+. He brought a Riptide too

Initial setup
My initial plan was to have Slamguinus take on the Riptide but one of the initial objectives forced my opponent to advance his Commanders and take out the Sicaran. This is where I made my first mistake. I dropped Slamguinus in Turn 1 in my Deployment Zone in response to the Commanders, taking them out. I should have just trusted that Lemartes and his Death Co were enough to take out the 2 Commanders with the 3 Stealth Suits.

Riptide bullying some Scouts

Wiped out the vanguard that the Tau player sent forward early game
Once I wiped out his initial units, I realised my error. I was now in the open and within range of Firewarriors guns. In hindsight, Slam should have come down in Turn 2, taking on the Riptide with Red Rampage (1CP).

Slamguinus takes on the Riptide but a little too late.
After surviving the return salvo from my opponent, I went on in to attempt to take out his Riptide only for it to be left with 2 wounds! I can't seem to catch a break!

Unfortunately, I lost the game but the margin was quite small as we were playing a modified ITC ruleset. I pulled a score of 9 while my opponent did a 10.

It was then lunch break so we lined up our armies and ran around taking pictures of other armies on display. Enjoy!

Jason's army next to mine - Team Brofist

My first opponent

Lum's army

Gotta love those conversions. Can't wait to see it complete

Clement's really nicely painted army. It almost won Best Painted! 

I thought I was competing against Eddie's army which had really amazing golden bikes! 

Just look at those golds

Gotta love Clement's version of Slamguinus
2nd Game was with Jon, the Tyranid player with yellow army:

Unfortunately I forgot to snap any photos but the summary was in my 14 years of gaming, he is the first person to table me at a tournament. Outside of a few clutch rolls, the biggest mistake I made was probably not having moved the Scouts who captured the Relic from 1st Turn to move out quicker. I should have used the Razorback that was in the backlines to come up and block the Scouts from being shot. Also another big blunder was not prioritizing being hidden out of Line of Sight. I thought it was better to go for cover save on one of the hills but this caused a gaping hole which allowed the two Flyrants to Deep Strike in. It didn't help that Slamguinus failed to wound the Hive Flyrant on the charge. This left Slamguinus out in the open unsupported and in return was Psychic Screamed to death. Nonetheless it was a good game and I learnt quite a lot from it.

Game 3
The last line up was with Lum and Arthur, a regular at TPCC and the Tables & Dice Gaming Club. I played Lum before and back then managed to beat him quite confidently. Jason and I first decided that it made more sense to throw me at Arthur's Nids but we went against this after Arthur mentioned about the Genestealer Cult ability to mind control. Again in hindsight, pitting Jason against Lum's elite army would have made more sense as his list was designed to handle elite armies. Considering that my Slamguinus was mostly in Deep Strike or acts alone, that mind control would not have been a problem. I also had Scouts which would have pushed his Mindcontrollers far far behind.

1st Turn
The good thing was that we were already on the last table so we just had fun. Great all around game and we ended placing last!

Despite overwhelming losses, I managed to win the Best Painted Award! Looks like all the hard work paid off!

Won a small prize which I went on to get a box of Snapfit Intercessors
Thanks again to Wei Liang for organizing this short event. 1000 is still a great size for an afternoon of fun. Thanks again to all the players for their votes! Keeps me motivated to continue painting.

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