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Sunday, April 12, 2015

Shield of Ball: Exterminatus Week 7 and Rewards

So the full 7 weeks of campaigning has come to a conclusion. The armies and players have fought to almost fatigue and still, the fate of the Cyptus system hangs in the balance. It is the actions that will take place on Tartoros that will determine the outcome of all the battles that we have taken part in.
Imperials took Week 7 and the Tyranis are in a bit of a rut for the Apocalypse which will take place this 26th April at Titan Games.

Previous Apocalypse at Titan for Shield of Baal: Leviathan
Here are the rewards for each of the faction based on their accumulated victories during the 7 weeks of campaigning:

Imperials and Nerons

  1. Victor scores 300 points of reinforments from the Troops section for free in the apocalypse 
  2. Victor secures the Re-Arm Strategic Asset for free in the apocalyse (taken from the Apocalypse book)
  3. Victor scores 300 points of reinforcements from ANY slot
  4. Imperial/Necron victory: 2 Night Scythe with 5 Necron Warriors mounted in each fighter fight for free in the apocalypse


  1. 2 Zoanthropes and 1 Neurothrope enters apocalypse for free
  2. Tyranid victory: delay the arrival of Nyadra'zatha in the apocalypse. It can only arrive from Turn 2 onwards

Looks like this will be hard fight for the Tyranids going in considering they are 600 points behind, with a number of things like Strategic Assets and other reinforcements given to the Imperial Alliance. Let's see what happens! 

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