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Monday, July 22, 2013

Video Batrep: 2500 Points of Orcs & Goblins vs High Elves

Got a game of Fantasy in with Defu who is our resident High Elf player.

I changed my list from the previous games and now included 2 units of 20 Night Goblin archers instead of 2 blocks of 49 Night Goblin Spears. Head on over to the YouTube channel and watch the following batrep! And as always, please leave a comment!

These are the pictures from the game. Please refer to the batrep if you want to know what went on in the game!


  1. thanks for the report! id go with the bolt throwers... cheap points wise. aracnarok is to pricey... hopefully you can get lucky and skewer one and doom diver the other...

  2. Replies
    1. LOL that's insane but at 35 points a piece, why not? Hmmmmmmm you've put ideas in my head

  3. Hey Ray, thanks for taking time to put up the battlerep. Once again, it was clear and concise. I'm sure we both learnt a lot in this game (I learnt to keep going even when the first few turns seem bleak).

    Looking forward to a re-match :)

    1. Thanks Krom! Do you want me to call you by name in the batrep or better to use HE player?

    2. Lol I'll leave it to you.

  4. Cheers from 'Murica...
    Good BatRep, man. I'd request more fantasy stuff. Well done.

    1. You're welcomed. I will be returning to Fantasy eventually. Right now I have been bitten by the 40k bug!
