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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Raging Heroes Von Königsmark Sisters Review

Finally I received my von Königsmark sisters limited edition box about a week plus back. Was expecting it to arrive around that time span as Raging Heroes got it shipped early January.
As I was already impressed with the Kurganova Sisters, I was expecting the same quality standard as well. True enough, the qualtity was just as my expectation, they were simply amazing. As usual, the metal cast were refine and almost no flashes or extra metal bitz poking out at all. The details were amazing as well. I was totally impressed with Gretchen von Königsmark sculpt which she had her tongue sticking out in a most refine pose and details. Definitely looking forward to painting.
von Königsmark sisters
Just as I was pretty happy with the Raging Heroes Sisters… Raging Heroes gonna have a Kickstarter! Oh no… I am still recovering my the last Kingdom Death Kickstarter… haha. Check out and follow Raging Heroes’ Kickstarter, they will be revealing more information the next few days. Cheers!