There's a certain complexity of painting tactical marines which I dread. Not that its hard but just very very repetitive and all of them need the same treatment to look uniformed.
I finally finished basing the models and painting the gold emblems on the bolters. The larger stones on the base are actually foam board bits. I ran out of stones and realized foam boards broken down make pretty believable concrete bits... Below are a few of my favorite ones. I've tried to make them life-like by tilting the head angles to create a stronger dynamic sense in their poses. Thanks for viewing!
Great job, very inspiring as I have a whole company mothballed waiting...bought everything after the last codex, then the 5th rules just shot it in the foot...only got the Ravenwing done...
Great job, very inspiring as I have a whole company mothballed waiting...bought everything after the last codex, then the 5th rules just shot it in the foot...only got the Ravenwing done...