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Saturday, February 11, 2012

Hobby: Dollar Store Train Tracks for Flames of War

Train tracks are always a nice feature on gaming tables and with my current impetus towards FoW I have been very eager to have enough terrain to be able to play my own FoW games at home. This post is about how a visit to the dollar store, which happens to be called DAISO in Singapore. And each item actually costs $2 singapore dollars. I visit the store often to get my stationary supplies, small storage items and of course, terrain and modeling needs.

So while walking through the toy section I came across this nicely detailed train tracks, yes I know they are highly modern electric tracks. However I thought that with a little strategic modeling and a nice coat of paint I could pass it off as train tracks used in WW2. After all the main structure of the rails have remained the same. So I picked up a couple of packets ($6sgd worth) and brought it home to 'fix it'.
This is the pic of the packaging (for those who has a Daiso in their country or am looking for a reference to what I bought), I bought a cross section but decided not to use it. Maybe I'll revive it sometime later, for now its gonna be in cold storage.
Here are the tracks all laid out and ready for priming. I primed them black and got to work, I simply dry brushed the whole thing with GW Bestial Brown. And painted the metal tracks individually with GW Boltgun metal. I know its a tedious task, but it did help to achieve the professional look I wanted to get out of these cheap toys.
All nice and painted and ready for the next step. Flocking.
I used Woodlands Scenics Medium Green Static Grass and flocked the sides of the tracks.
Yay a simple task but adds a whole dimension of realism to it!

Next few shots will be them on the table with my Soviet army rumbling all over them.

All in all it took me about 3 hours and $6sgd for eight 8" straight sections and four 6" curved sections. More than enough to cover the entire length of a 6x4 table!