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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Beef's Hobby Resolution for 2012

Looking back at 2011 I am quite happy at the amount I have achieved. However this was all fairly random and I think would have been better if I actually listed out what I want to achieve rather than leave it to fate (in most cases it's really just a thing called "time" sadly).

2011 although a turning tide of events for my life saw alot of things getting done. I got married. I moved into my new home (with my own hobby space yay!) And of course the highlight has to be the coming of my first baby. Not to forget the standard thing called work. However I managed to start on my Nuln Empire Army (which I shall complete as part of this years resolution). Started a Grey Knights army (who didn't anyway hah!). Started a massive Dark Eldar Army (once again irresistible models). Almost finish my Mechanized Imperial Guard. And finally taking the plunge into Flames of War. I must add that all the above mentioned armies that I have started are all fully assembled and at least 50% worked on. So no "theory" armies there. Everything is in the flesh.

Enough about the past. Let's see what I shall try to promise myself for hobby year 2012.

1. Paint up my Flames of War army and play some games.
2. Finish up my Nuln Empire Army. ( 40% left unpainted)
3. Finish up the very little 20% of Mechanized Imperial Guard Models. (Damn bulk of guardsmen!)
4. Finish up my Grey Knights Army. (60% left unpainted)
5. Paint up as much Dark Eldar as possible. (This is gonna be hard as I bought every model in the range with many multiples for gaming purposes as well gulp!)
6. Start work on an Ultramarines army.
7. Join at least one painting competition.
8. Greatly limit Hobby spending. I really have more than enough (really haha?) models to paint till I'm 65yrs old. But I should try to limit the amount I'm about to spend (with the baby it's gonna make it more necessary!) and concentrate on what I already have in hand rather than trying to make my hobby room look like a premium Games-Workshop Stockist.

Playing more games has always been a problem for me. Firstly I am not much of a gamer to begin with, and commitments to life always get in the way. With a baby on my hands its gonna only make things even harder. But I'll try to dedicate more time to gaming.

Here's to me achieving my targets for 2012! And hopefully all of you out there will have a fruitful hobby year as well! Back to the brushes!!

P.S would be nice to hear the hobby resolutions from the rest of you guys as well!

1 comment:

  1. Wow a checklist of stuff to do. Very nice. I think it helps to focus. Time for me to do mine then
