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Monday, December 19, 2011

Road to Badlands - Gobbit Lipsmacka

Had some time to touch up on my Night Goblin Shaman who I dub Gobbit Lipsmacka. Took two pictures as the light source was a little from one direction. 

Gobbit Lipsmacka is twin to Snikit Hamstringer. Both were birth in the dark caves on the slopes of Dragonback mountains. Gobbit often spoke of a loud booming "voice" which just confused little old Snikit. Listening to these voices, Gobbit could "interpret" these signs and often shared it with Snikit. It was these voices that kept them alive through the nefarious caves of Night Goblinhood. Fear was a common emotion and one they both sought to conquer by the only way they knew how - to take over the Olde World.

On one stinky day when the squigs were sporing, Gobbit received a vision while observing the stools of a Giant Cave Squig. It spoke of a brutish Orc simply called Zugribar. He was held by hummies in a camp just beyond the Badlands. Gobbit and Snikit put a plan around rescuing this matador of Orcs. This Orc would give them the victory they so need to take over the Olde World.

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