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Monday, June 27, 2011

60 Followers and Counting!

We have hit a great milestone today. 60 Followers for a small blog like this is amazing! I would like to pat each of you who have spent the time to take pictures, make comments and participating in a blog like this.

Reach out and spread our blog's name!

We will be meeting up for a massive game this coming weekend and I will be putting up a massive post of our games. Look forward to this space! 


  1. I was the 60th douche bag... nothing to celebrate about...

  2. Seriously, you couldn't find a more awesome picture for this? :P :P

  3. guys, can you all punch ray for me really hard? I would gladly do it myself but since i'm not in sg and that duck pic is really ridiculous... please punch him. preferably on the face... j/k
