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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Sporecon 2011 - Singapore Gaming Convention

I competed in the recent Sporecon 2011 - the annual Singapore gaming convention for 40k, Fantasy and Warmarchine/Hordes.

Here's the report of the event.

Head on over to and drop comments!


  1. Lol what did the "takes it too seriously" nid guy do?

  2. He was really too serious and was picking on the smallest things possible. For e.g. you are supposed to nominate all charges first prior to actually moving the models into combat. However no die were rolled and I was obviously intending to make the charge with my Tyrant. He called the judges in for that. It's only a game and talk it out wi me. Calling a judge basically means you wanna duke it out on the basis of a game dynamic.

  3. lol sounds like you ray! biggest powergamer in SG!!!

  4. LOL you know I'm a reasonable gamer. It's not work or business. Chill pill.

  5. *Cough*yeaenrgieisapowergamer*cough*
    Wonder if that person reads this blog, lolz

  6. I think enrgie wants that person to read this.

    I was not there when he was playing against him, but I heard from people who were there and even they complain about him.

  7. I do hope everyone who attended will visit this blog. I want the player to know that he took the game the wrong way. Also he was really unkind to people who asked questions. It will not benefit the hobby. Tourneys are a great way to reach out to new blood and it's our duty to help them. Else I would have never known YC.

  8. Go advertise this blog more, our number of followers been stagnant for quite long :X

  9. some people, when they play games, they think they are playing with their entire family's estate on the line mah...

  10. i heard that he was worst during an earlier tournament call to arms and that the judges were seriously considering ejecting him from the tournament...
