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Friday, April 22, 2011

Exams are over! Dreadknight is here.

Finally had time to touch my miniatures and went straight for the awesome dreadknight!

Been awhile since I did anything special for the bases for my miniatures. Since the base for the dreadknight was so large. I decided it deserved something a little more than just sand and flock. So I went through my bits and put this base together.

Now filled with miniatures instead of books and notes!

This guy is so huge and cool. I just decided that I need one more in my army. Who cares if they magnets for heavy fire? They are cool and that's all that matters!!! Will try to paint him up this weekend. Pics up as soon as I'm done!


  1. Nice pose there, the DK looks like its firing at targets high up. RELOAD!!!! DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA

  2. Agree with crazyrat. The DK has a very cool pose! Can't wait to see him painted :)
