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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

LED Lights on Stormraven Squadron


  1. they look fantastic!!! seriously, very impressive, especially when seen in formation. well done.

  2. Dun dun du du DUUUUUN DUUUUNNN dun dun du du DUUUUUNNN DUUUUUUNNNN...

    Awesome man. I can see a great video battle report being made where they start in reserve, hover up over and on to the table when they come in with Ride of the Valkyries in the background...

  3. That is so very cool. Well done.

  4. Love it! Can the landing legs be removed? That's the only thing that takes away from the cool look.

  5. Thanks guys for the comments... as for the background music, I've already selected "the intro extended version by a band called The XX. lol I had it on repeat while i was painting this up.

    @ MAX, Ride of the Valkyries, you mean the act from Wagner's opera Der Ring des Nibelungen? dun ask me how I know.

    @enrgie, like all my units, everything is modular, so yes the landing gear can be stowed away.

  6. WOW that is hardcore x 3. Do you have a "night" picture. Can see the searchlights in action.

  7. They look really impressive together man! Awesome job!
