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Thursday, February 24, 2011

librarian dreadnought conversion

this is how it should be done, cuz this style is identical to none


  1. Awesomesauce.

    It's turning out much better than I thought it was going to. I'm actually pretty keen on an update to see the progress you've made.

    Will it make the dread much taller?

  2. ROFL wtf?! U using Gundam parts on your dread?

  3. Yessir... gundam kits are much much cheaper than gw kits if u need parts to gut. I spent only $45 hkd on this.

  4. Interesting use of the Gundam parts man! Its looking really good. I think the extended legs goes well with the converted arms, making the entire model appear more proportional.

    Great job!

  5. How come your dread is already blue? Do you paint prior to actually building the new bits in?

  6. I actually decided wanted to modify the joints like my other dreadnoughts just with 3 points of ball joint articulation. I painted the basics that way and luckily before I began highlighting, I got this wave of inspiration leading me to basically take apart everything for a re-fit. so thats why some basic colors are on.

  7. nice conversion, but which kit are those joints from?
