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Friday, July 30, 2010

The Storm is ending.

Just a friendly reminder that Maelstrom Games massive 17.5% sale is ending this weekend. So just spend some time thinking about what you might be missing in your army, painting tools and materials, heck even that new army or game system you have been contemplating for awhile!

Go grab your fix soon. Because like they mentioned, the next sale will probably only come year end during the Xmas seasons.


~I just placed my paint restock and remaining miniatures required for my Nuln Army. 30 handgunners, 3 great cannons, 3 mortars and 20 outriders anyone?

Go on and buy something for yourself. You know you want to. :)


  1. I'm glad you did.

    This post is not to see who ordered first. Rather it's to remind those who have yet to (HOW CAN YOU!) and to those who have already ordered to see if there is any last minute stuff that needs to be bought before the sale ends.

  2. I had succumb to the dark side... going to order more stuffs LOL
