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Thursday, June 3, 2010

New GW paint pots?

Saw these on Tabletopwargamingnews.
Similar to the recent washes and foundation pots it seems.
Looks great that it is transparent so we can easily spot the color!
I like it alot!


  1. Agreed man :) The paint colors are much easier to see, especially from the top. Has this hit most stores already?

  2. I do prefer these new bottles much more than the current ones. Transparent is the right direction. I hope internally they drip back into the bottle and do not clog the top.

    Is this out?

  3. I hope these new pots don't allow the top to clog and dry the paint inside. I like GW paints just that the paints drying when you dont use fast enough sucks (for current black pots).

  4. Thats why you should all use a wet palette!!! Your paints will never be dry again!

    Of course unless you take 12 days to paint a mini non stop. Maybe the paint on your wet palette will dry up. Just maybe.
