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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

WIP: Termagants

More shots of the Termagants work in progress. I have tidied up the internal flesh and the skin.

Tomorrow I begin working on the carapace and weapons.

Group shot - camera still not the best as I am using my webcam. I will improve the shots using my digital camera closer to completion. 
Close up of the Termagants. You'll notice the cleaned up skin. 


  1. It takes so much time to dry between each coat and I still have to go back and slowly clean the skin. It's no way cheating!

  2. We need to try army painter quick shade one day. I am super tempted by it.

    Imagine if we used quick shade. And still highlighted it more. sure damn nice.

  3. Lookin' good manz! The purple effects appear very close to that featured in the 'Nid codex itself!

  4. I am also quite tempted by Army Painter. I think we should get Defeng or YC to use it since they paint SUPER SLOW! Haha!

    Thanks Sam! I really did my best to get the codex colour scheme. Hive Fleet Leviathan's colour scheme just jumps out of the book at me. Every time I look at it I love it more!

    This link really helped:
