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Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Space Hulk - 4 Times Lucky

After waiting for 5 years for the return of Space Hulk, GW finally releases it again. I missed the 2009 launch when I was back in Hong Kong and was caught up in Fantasy back then. Fast forward to today, I managed to snag one. I love the models in this box and while it was expensive, S$140 for the set, the quality is top notch. The tiles and tokens are all printed on embossed hardboard which are thick! 

The Terminators are beautiful and very detailed. I do plan to base them up on 25mm bases (while this will mean they are useless in 40k, the board itself favours the smaller base size) and mark their forward and backward facing, making it easier to play. I am currently using my Genestealers from my 40k army until I finish painting the ones from the box set up. 

First new mission from the book, Beachhead. Uses the new Boarding Torpedoes making each game slightly different as you enter from different points of the Space Hulk

Monday, September 29, 2014

X Wing Tournament Report - GREX September 2014

After much flying about using my tournament list and playing in the PI League, the day arrived and I entered the GREX X Wing Tournament. 

"Whisper" — TIE Phantom32
Veteran Instincts1
Fire-Control System2
Advanced Cloaking Device4
Academy Pilot — TIE Fighter12
Academy Pilot — TIE Fighter12
Academy Pilot — TIE Fighter12
Academy Pilot — TIE Fighter12
Academy Pilot — TIE Fighter12

The list was designed to take down Falcons as I was expecting them to come in droves owing to the heavy Phantom meta. Unfortunately for me, I did not meet a single Falcon build. Here are my 3 games.

Mark brought the new Rebel ACES which was released this week. I did not know what to expect so kept Whisper out of the battle for a very long time. Early game saw it swing in my favour when I managed to take down Gemmer but in response, Mark's Z95 swarm took down majority of of my Ties. I played quite badly and hemmed myself in losing Whisper and then the game.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

X Wing League Week 2 and Nagash

Week 2 and I got 4 more games. Played Jeremy, Andreas, Roy and Dale. Managed to beat Jeremy, Roy and Dale but lost to Andreas. He is currently the leader of the pack so looks like I may not get dibs into the prizes. Dang. 

Game with Dale who brought a 4 Interceptor + PTL. Excellent flying although I am not convinced by PS6 pilots. 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Space Wolf Updates and Dark Eldar

Very impressed with Defu's progress with his Stormfang so I thought I would share it with everyone. 

Monday, September 22, 2014

Tournament Practice

The GREX store tournament is coming this 28th Sept and I will be playing. Will probably be bringing my Phantom Mini Swarm - one of the variants. With the PI League in full swing now, I took the opportunity to score some league points and get some practice in with Dale.

"Whisper" — TIE Phantom32
Veteran Instincts1
Fire-Control System2
Advanced Cloaking Device4
Alpha Squadron Pilot — TIE Interceptor18
Alpha Squadron Pilot — TIE Interceptor18
Academy Pilot — TIE Fighter12
Academy Pilot — TIE Fighter12

1st Game against Dale - managed to win this. The small block had difficulty chasing my Phantom

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

X-Wing: PI League and Marshall 40K

The PI X-Wing league has started so I headed down to PI yesterday to get in a few games. Dale who works at the store gave me 2 solid and close games! I brought a variant of my Phantom + mini swarm for my first game. Dale brought Chewy, Airen and a Red Squadron. 
I lost my Phantom early due to a bad call by flying between two asteroids, hemming me in from Turn 2 onwards. Dale quickly took Whisper out. Surprisingly, my Alphas managed to down Chewy and even took out Airen and the X Wing. Amazing show and all within the hour. 

1st game with Dale

Friday, September 12, 2014

X-Wing with Roy and Space Hulk

Changed it up a little yesterday. Got into BB at about 1:30PM and while waiting for Roy, I worked on the paint job that I botched up previously. Also added red dots to start up the Tie Fighter engines! 

Playing Rebels instead this time. Actually sat down and created a list based on Airen Cracken. I was going for full range 1 synergy. 

Struggled to work on how to keep Biggs behind and ended losing Dutch early game. Didn't help that the Ties were scoring Hit, Crit or Hit Hit. Kept on playing but eventually could not take the punishment meted out by the Phantom.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

More X-Wing, PI League

Got a few games of X-Wing in yesterday with Jeremy and Vick. Also managed to pick up some loot for the PI League. Thanks Dale! 

Flew the Whisper's Academy: 
"Whisper" — TIE Phantom 32
Veteran Instincts 1
Fire-Control System 2
Advanced Cloaking Device 4 

Academy Pilot — TIE Fighter 12 
Academy Pilot — TIE Fighter 12 
Academy Pilot — TIE Fighter 12 
Academy Pilot — TIE Fighter 12 
Academy Pilot — TIE Fighter 12 

My list was meant to take on lists like this which had Biggs and Chewie. Unfortunately I flew like a muppet and lost this game

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Batrep: Grey Knights (7th Edition Codex) vs Eldar 1850 Points

So it has been awhile since I played 40K and Marshall has been running around crushing people's heads in. Keeps going on about how only 1 person has consistently beaten him (i.e. me). Now that he's gone off to be his own man, he decided that it's time to throw the gauntlet down on the old man (i.e. me again). 

Thursday, September 4, 2014

X-Wing: Second Video

Managed to get in 6 solid games of X-Wing yesterday. 4 with Vick and 2 with Jeremy. I played two variants of the Whisper list that I have been experimenting with. In both builds Whisper is kitted out exactly the same:

"Whisper" — TIE Phantom 32
Veteran Instincts 1
Fire-Control System 2
Advanced Cloaking Device 4

The two other lists had either Academies x5 or Defenders x2 - all without upgrades. 

I also managed to get in 2 videos albeit the second one got cut off due to a flat battery. I also tried to mitigate the problem with moisture by leaving the camera to dry up first. It worked only until 1 hour into the video and then it started fogging up again. I'll keep trying. 

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

X-Wing Practice with Video

Played 2 games of X-Wing today with Dale of PI.

I thought I change things up a little by tracking my games so I brought my trusty GoPro to film my game (wider camera angle than my regular point and shoot). I was initially hoping to film both games but the battery ran out after 1 hour!

I played the first game which was recorded using list: 
I don't know why my camera split this into 2 videos but here they are. Apologies for the cloudy ending, the fogginess was due to the moisture trapped inside the camera. I have taken steps to ensure this never happens again. As for the audio, I was thinking that it would be secondary to the actual feed since I was hoping to show you guys the actual flow of the game.

Monday, September 1, 2014

More X Wing Practice

Was originally practicing for the tournament this weekend but missed it due to paintball practice ending too late. Nonetheless, I managed to squeeze in a few games with Roy and Vick last week. Here are some pictures of the games. 

Roy brought a Decimator list with 2 Interceptors from Alpha Squadron. I brought my Ten at 10 list.