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Thursday, February 28, 2013
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Batrep 1750 Tyranids vs Blood Angels
Got in a 1750 40k game with Marshall yesterday over at Battle Bunker. It was a grudge match. And if you haven't seen the original game, go check it out!
So the forces we were playing were similar to our original game. Both of us wanted to keep testing our forces just to see how it works on the table under different conditions.
Pre-Battle Setup
Mission: The Scouring
Warlord Traits:
Tyranids - Your Warlord counts as a Objective Capturing model
Blood Angels - Night Attacker (You can choose if Night Fight takes place Turn 1 or not)
Psychic Powers:
Flyrant (Warlord) - Iron Arm, Enfeeble
Flyrant - Iron Arm, Life Leech
Doom of Malantai - Psychic Shriek from the Telepathy deck
Blood Angels:
Librarian (Warlord) - Default
Librarian - Default
The army lists are the same as those found here.
On to the battle report proper. After setting the terrain up, we picked up the 6 dice (randomized) and placed them on the objective counters. Marshall had 4, 3, 1 and I had 3, 2, 2 on our table halves. Damn, I am going to fight for this one.
Having learnt from the past game with Marshall, I have chose to go for a heavy flank approach, pushing into the side with the objectives.
Marshall kept most of his infantry back in his deployment zone and to keep out of my Flyrants and Hive Guards
Surged forward with my Nids pushing the Warlord (painted one) and the Albino Flyrant up. Since most of his units are so far behind I reasoned that I could contest the points really early game and then sweep in to his lines keeping him away from them. Not much happened after that but running.
Doom of Malantai lands in turn 2 and so did the rest of my Gants who were in Reserves. Scattered 10" towards the 3 point objective
Unfortunately during the Assault turn I failed the charge leaving this Tyrant in the open. Sigh
Shooting killed off most of my Gargs opening him up to the Storm Raven. Unfortunately the Storm Raven was a few inches short! OMG my Tyrant will survive!
The Death Co is one unit that I both fear and loathe. In anticipation of them coming in, I placed my Tyrant here hoping to weather the charge with a +3T and +3S.
I managed to take out the Storm Raven using the two units of Hive Guard. Nice!
However, the Blood Angels manage to drop the Death Co before the Raven got blown out of the air.
Managed to kill the Chaplain before the Death Co could strike removing their reroll misses! This blunted their charge by a mile. Tyrant survives.
Looks like Tyranids won the day. Blood Angels were annihilated. Ommm nommm nommm
I guess the objectives no longer mattered now that the Marines were all gone. Was not as close as the previous game but I still enjoyed the game. Terrain looks good too!
Tyranid Deployment |
Blood Angels' deployment |
1st Turn Tyranids |
First turn pooping then JAMS! Good news is that the mysterious objective is turns my shooting into Skyfire |
1st Turn Blood Angels |
So they are all huddled in comfy |
Blood Angels move up |
Turn 2 Tyranids |
Turn 2 Tyranids movement |
Jumped into the building to wait the inevitable Storm Raven. Now I have Skyfire |
Tyrant opens fire on the Assault Squad in the open with plans to charge him into that unit |
I failed to cast Iron Arm so wrapped my Tyrant with Gargs so prevent the Storm Raven incoming. |
After all that shooting only one Marine died... |
Turn 2 Blood Angels |
Since I failed to charge in my turn, Marshall charged in his Marines |
Whack whack whack |
He then dies. No surprise |
Marshall then charges into my Gargs removing most of them |
Doom hovers in during Turn 3 Movement. Tyrant flies over to the altar area to threaten the other unit |
Positioned all the units to contest and threaten his Marine unit |
Charged in the large brood of 16 into this melee |
Casted FNP on the Trygon |
Charged everyone in Turn 3 |
Melee continues |
All charges hit. |
Blood Angels failed their Morale but I managed to pursue with my Trygon. |
And I fled from combat but there are 2 units so they remain in contact |
This is going to be a protracted fight |
Took out more Marines from that unit |
Un-oh |
In drops the Death Co and the other unit hiding in the Bastion. |
Doom gone |
Last two Marines get swamped in Tyranids Turn 3 |
However, the Blood Angels manage to drop the Death Co before the Raven got blown out of the air.
Drop drop drop |
I get charged in Turn 3 BA. Nothing I can do so I channeled all attacks into the Chaplain (rolled 6's) |
Marines deleted the unit of white Gants |
I wiped out the remaining in the melee but there was another unit just behind |
Melee continues this time with a FNP buff LOL! |
Combat continues in Turn 4 with another +3T/S. Yahoo |
Charged both Trygon and Gants into the combat, taking 2 wounds on Overwatch. Dafuq! |
Combat continues |
Finally cleared the 2 Marines so I moved them to the objective at the back of the BA table edge |
Last 2! |
More melee! |
Turn 4 I went directly for the objective behind his lines |
Turn 5 I just moved up my Hive Guards up |
Charged in everything |
Kill kill |
Turn 5- not much left |
Tyrant moves up to the altar to wait for the next round of combat in the event the Trygon falls |
The Gants held in Reserve swamping the 4 point objective |
With the Tyrant in combat, nothing survives |
Captured |
Captured |
Captured |