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Saturday, March 21, 2009

Swordmasters who are an absolute infantry blender! With ASF, the effect of being charged or charging is the same! Best unit to hide my mages in.

If you look at most of my minis, you will notice that they don't have their movement trays anymore. I have magnetised all their bases with rare earth magnets and have used a metal based paper stuck on cardboard. This is amazing to hold them in place while still minimising the base size for the unit. No confusion and they can stay tipped next to a hill
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My warband from Mordheim has made it into the army. In fact, the HK guys are planning a Mordheim game and I will be joining! So they will be back!
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I still love my unit of Dragon Princes and I am happy that this version of the book has made them so powerful. I am getting another unit of them. I have found that they perform the best in units of about 5-6 as they have two attacks each. Also, never forget that with their immunity to flame attacks, most magic missiles and breath weapons can't hurt them. I have paired them up with two nobles, one with the Star Lance and the other who is a BSB with the Battle Banner (+D6 CR).
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I completed this unit of Archers in 2 weeks. The camera was not able to pick out the highlights that I have put into their robes. Still have quite a lot of work but I will be skipping it for the tourney and will come back only if I have time.
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White Lions

This is the unit of White Lions that I am currently working on. I have just completed a unit of 10 archers which I will post up after this.
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HK Tourney 2009

Two of the classic RBT's in the army. I have purchased a new set of two and I will be doing them up after brushing up on the tournament army.
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